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What is Commercial Ready (

When an artist is labeled “Commercial Ready,” their artwork and profile will include an icon.

This means their artwork has been hand-selected by a commercial curator to be considered for commercial project opportunities. Artrepreneur provides artworks for dozens of large-scale projects to top organizations in commercial real estate, retail, hospitality, financial services, media, and architectural design. For more information and examples of our commercial projects, visit

To be considered Commercial Ready, our curators look for high-quality, non-figurative (abstract, contemporary, landscapes, still life, etc.), colorful, serene, and non-divisive artwork. Prints must be at least 18 inches on the longest side. All work must be available for sale through the Original Store, the Print Shop, or an artist’s Showroom.

Please note: Being labeled Commercial-Ready does not guarantee that your work will be presented or used for commercial projects. It only means that it artwork meets the criteria to be considered.

Pro members with Commercial Ready artwork will receive priority when presenting to commercial clients or for display at Gallery 85, Artrepreneur’s physical art space in New York City. Pro Members will also have access to resources that can help them adequately prepare their work to meet the Commercial Ready standards our clients require.

Pro members receive these Commercial Ready benefits along with other valuable features, including curator reviews of your best works, live webinars, grants, our Pro-only Resource Library, and eligibility for both our Artist-in-Residence Program and placement in Orange Book, a printed, coffee-table style book sent to commercial organizations and active collectors.  To take advantage of these features, Upgrade to Pro today!