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Image Upload Sizes and Formats

Uploaded images should be in one of the following formats:  jpg, png, gif, or animated gif in the sRGB or Abobe RGB colorspaces. The minimum upload size is 1200px x 1200px.

We recommend uploading large images that show off the quality and details of your work. However, images above 2200px will be reduced to 2200px in the original ratio for on-screen viewing.  On some pages, thumbnail images may be cropped; however, opening the image will show it in its original uncropped format.

NOTE: If you are applying to sell your work in the Giclée Print shop, the minimum size will be 2400px x 2400px (or 8 in x 8 in. at 300 DPI.) If your original upload does not meet the minimum size when applying for the Giclée Print shop, you may be required to upload an updated version. If your work is approved, we will provide an additional link on your Artwork page with a “watermarked” version of the full-sized image so potential buyers and collectors can see the quality and detail of the work. High-resolution images are not required for the Originals Store or for Showrooms.